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  • Latest Updates on Testnet Deployments, User Interfaces, and ROI Features

Latest Updates on Testnet Deployments, User Interfaces, and ROI Features

Significant improvements to user interfaces and executor binaries, and exciting new features in our Explorer

Hey — It's Maciej,

Welcome back to another exciting edition of Multichain Matters, where we delve into the latest developments shaping the landscape of decentralized cross-chain interactions. This month, we're thrilled to present our latest Testnet Deployment Updates, including the ongoing audit of the testnet L3 Arbitrum Orbiter contracts, significant improvements to user interfaces and executor binaries, and exciting new features in our Explorer such as the ROI (Return on Investment) calculator based on open-market orders. Stay tuned for detailed insights into these advancements!

Estimated read time: 4.15 minutes, 5.19 for those who take it all in at a leisurely pace.

🧭 Tech update: Testnet Deployment and UI Updates

🛠️ Decoding Intents in Crypto: t3rn Innovative Bridge Approach

🛡️ How t3rn Pushes Interoperability with Arbitrum L3 Attestors 

🪂 Galxe: t3rn EVM Bridging Campaign

📈 April Investors newsletter 

Tech Update

Audit of Testnet L3 Arbitrum Orbiter Contracts

The audit of the testnet L3 Arbitrum Orbiter contracts is still in progress. The recent changes have been re-deployed to the testnet and are currently under re-review by the auditors.

Stats and metrics continue to perform well, indicating a stable and reliable test environment.

User Interface and Executor Binaries

Significant progress has been made on the user interfaces, enhancing the overall user experience and ease of navigation.

The next releases of the executor binaries are in development, and we're streamlining the release automation process to release both GUI and Binaries with latest releases to users.

Explorer Updates

The Explorer now includes a new ROI (Return on Investment) feature. This feature calculates ROI based purely on open-market orders, providing users with valuable insights into their investments and the performance of their transactions.

UI Updates

Bellow is a preview of our new Swap UI, set to debut on the testnet for early users! You'll be able to swap tokens across multiple L2s and EVM chains. As a thank you for being an active part of our community, you'll earn BRN tokens. Stay tuned for more details on 🔥 BRN tokens.

🛠️ Decoding Intents in Crypto: t3rn Innovative Bridge Approach

Bridges in the multichain ecosystem facilitate seamless value transfers across chains, driven by factors like airdrops, low fees, and developer needs. A new concept, 'intents,' is revolutionizing bridging by allowing users to specify actions like origin and destination chains and asset quantity. Executors compete to fulfill these intents swiftly, offering the best quotes for instantaneous liquidity transfers. 

This blog post examines how t3rn introduces a refined, intent-based solution to enhance user experience in bridging.

🛡️ How t3rn Pushes Interoperability with Arbitrum L3 Attestors 

This article explores how t3rn's innovative approach facilitates seamless communication between different blockchain networks, enhancing security, efficiency, and economic viability in cross-chain transactions. 

Learn about the integration of Arbitrum's cutting-edge technologies and the unique features of t3rn's intent-based execution model, setting new standards in the blockchain ecosystem. Dive into the details of this transformative collaboration and its implications for the future of decentralized finance and blockchain technology.

🪂 Galxe: t3rn EVM Bridging Campaign

I’m thrilled to welcome you back to another t3rn community challenge, which is brought to you in collaboration with Galxe to celebrate an important stage of our roadmap, which is the EVM Bridging.

For this campaign, the prizes include Galxe points, an On-Chain Achievement Token (OAT), and a twitter meme caption competition that will reward 3 winners with 1000 BRN tokens each

Are you ready to start with the challenge?

PS: You could earn BRN rewards participating in our Community Challenges

📈 April Investors newsletter 

Continuing our commitment to transparency, we are pleased to remind you that our monthly Investors Newsletter has been available to all members of the Multichain Matters community for the past few months.

Dive into the April edition by clicking the link below. The report is neatly organized into sections and topics for your convenience.

As we draw this edition of "Multichain Matters" to a close, I'm eager to hear from you directly. What's on your mind these days? Are there any particular topics or trends you're itching to explore, especially within the innovative space we're cultivating at t3rn? Don't hesitate to drop me a note at X—your insights help steer our journey.

Your engagement and interest fuel our mission at t3rn, motivating every stride we take toward advancing interoperability.

Thank you for being such a vital part of our community.

Warmest regards,
Maciej Baj
Founder and CTO of t3rn